Williams prohibits the abuse of alcohol and expects members of the College community to abide by federal, state, and local regulations concerning the possession and use, purchase, and distribution of alcohol. The College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of illegal drugs, or the unauthorized use of prescription drugs.
At the beginning of the fall 2015 semester, the College rolled out updated Responsible Party Standards that made it easier for students to hold small and safe events while at the same time discouraging students from holding parties that involved high-risk behavior (such as the presence of hard alcohol, large numbers of students in one common space, large amounts of alcohol per student, unregistered parties).
With this in mind, here are some key points to remember when it comes to safe and responsible alcohol consumption at social events:
- Hard alcohol and common source alcohol (kegs, punch, etc.) are prohibited
- Providing alcohol to anyone under 21 is prohibited (and illegal)
- Parties of more than 20 people must be registered
- Party hosts must adhere to safe room capacity and safe drinking standards (no more than 120 servings of beer or wine permitted, or up to twice the room capacity, whichever is less)
Go here for more details.
Campus Safety and Security provides a key role in maintaining a safe environment. Officers conduct checks for registered parties and will help hosts keep the party safe and in compliance. Unless the registered party becomes unsafe, CSS will work with the host to keep the party open.
CSS Officers also conduct “hotspot” checks in areas that have exhibited patterns of unsafe/irresponsible behaviors. If CSS comes across an unregistered party or a situation involving violations of the responsible party standards (even if it’s registered), they will collect ID information from students involved and will report the incident to the Office of the Dean of the College for their action.