Academic Advising & Info

A variety of academic advice and counsel is provided to students during the course of their undergraduate education.


The Dean’s Office coordinates the academic advising program for first-years and sophomores. The Deans work closely with academic departments to assist faculty as they advise their majors. Class Deans review the academic progress of individual students and reach out to those who may not be reaching key academic milestones on time.  Below is an overview of academic advice given to students at various stages throughout their time at Williams.

First-Year Students & Sophomores

Each incoming first-year student is assigned an academic advisor who serves in this role until the student declares a major in the spring of sophomore year.  Academic advisors do more than help students  plan their first and second year course schedules. Academic advisors encourage students to see the connections between the courses they take and their residential and extra-curricular life at Williams; advisors find answers to many questions first-years and sophomores have; and advisors identify appropriate support services when academic difficulties arise.  

Students interested in medical, dental, and veterinary schools should consult with the health professions advisor during their first year to decide upon course selection. Students are also encouraged to discuss major options and requirements with faculty members from departments and programs in which they have an interest before declaring a major.

Study Away

If you are interested in studying away, students should start planning in their first and second years. Study Away Advising is coordinated by Tina Stoiciu, Dean of Global Education and Director of Study Away.  Special orientation and information meetings are held during the fall semester for new students and for students wishing to study abroad. Orientation and counseling of international students is arranged by the Director of International Student Services, Ninah Pretto.

Juniors & Seniors

In their junior and senior years, students are advised by faculty in their major departments or programs. Each department and program determines its own advising system for its majors, although chairs are regularly available for consultation.

Career Advising

In planning for professional careers and/or graduate schools, students should consult their major advisors, the Career Center, and the Fellowships Office.

Academic Support for All Students

Additional programs of academic assistance are available through The Office of Accessible Education. Any student who desires extra help in a particular course may request a tutor through Peer Academic Support. Students seeking to enhance their writing skills in any course may take advantage of the Writing Center. Trained and supervised by a coordinator, student writing tutors provide assistance on papers already corrected and with drafts of papers in any stage of the writing process. All students are encouraged to take full advantage of these academic resources.